Jan 12, 2013


I can't help but think that smoKING is a powerful king. SmoKING conquers a lot of regions around the world. Just a few days ago, when I was enjoying my roti canai, a man sitting at the next table started smoking as soon as he had finished his share of Indian bread. The smoke from the cigarette rendered me impossible to continue eating. Eventually, I had to pay (well, my mother paid) and leave, without finishing my bread.

I really can't understand why people smoke (and I am not interested to devote myself into understanding the thoughts of these smokers, or I call them the silent murderers in our society). One of my uncles in Korea is a smoker. I can still remember that a few years back, when I was staying with him, I froze his pack of cigarettes in the fridge to stop him from doing destruction to his own body. Ah, I failed. He is still into smoking.

There seems to be of no use for people to spread news about the damage smoking can bring to the smokers and the people around them. Smokers will, most of the time, ignore those 'Love yourself' messages and carry on with their 'cool' actions. Honestly, I don't think they are cool. I think they are childish and irresponsible, seeking temporary pleasures to escape from tensions they face, only to find themselves wholly dominated by tensions when that greedy ember reaches the end of their cigarettes.

The number of teens enslaved by smoking is rising at an alarming rate. I have seen my friends cruelly dragged into dark alleys by the desire to smoke. I have seen how they tremble at the thought of their fingers being parted from that nicotine-doll. I feel bad for them, but what can I do? They rather listen to the devilish whispers of the cigarettes than to me. Images of damages done to human organs due to smoking don't seem to frighten them. 

What about you? Are you a smoker? If yes, then do you plan to quit? I hope you do... or else the Angel of Death will emerge unnoticed from the cloud of smoke you breathe out and drag you away from your loved ones. 

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