Mar 17, 2013

Birthday Eve

Ever since my birth till last year, I've been celebrating my birthday with my family and my family's friends. This year, however, I celebrated it with my friends a day before the D-Day. It was a humble celebration spiced up with conversations among friends. I trust it was also special for those who were just back from PLKN (National Service).

So, let the feast begin...

I arrived at the venue. Two people were waiting outside (supposedly for other people to come). I saw the cake, and the organiser was disappointed with my early arrival, so much so that she said, "Nah, since you've seen the cake, let me show you something, isn't this handwriting like yours? (She was referring to the words written on the cake)" Though unusual, we waited for other guests to arrive, and they did, after a few minutes.

The main event began. They lit up the two number-candles '1' and '8'. I, together with another March baby, blew out the flame. And it was present time. I got a 'phony' (rather than a piggy) bank. Though it's a small gift, but I realised how much effort my friends must have put in to make the event a success. The 'effort' itself was a grand price, and I value that!

Me, and another March baby.

The organiser divided the cake and I handed the pieces to my friends. One of my friends refused, saying he would get a headache if he had one (and I saw him wolfing down lots of ice cream later on). Everyone had their share of the cake, and of the fun. We also ordered some ice cream and chips. Then we talked. We talked about how each other spent this three-month-long holiday, where everyone is heading soon (after the result of the SPM is announced).

Done catching up! Everyone headed home to access their Facebook account, and uploaded the pictures they've taken at the party.

My 'phony' bank.

All in all, it was a joyous occasion and I will make sure that the happy memories stay with me for the rest of my life (errmh, exception to be made if I contracted Alzheimer's).

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