Mar 23, 2013

Tata, tutu...

THE STORY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Claire was a girl born with a silver spoon (if not golden) in her mouth. She always dreamt of becoming a world-famous ballerina. Her mother was determined to help fulfil her dream. With ease, her mother produced cash from her purse to buy Claire a set of tutu with the finest pattern. Equipped with the tutu, Claire enrolled in a ballet class. With her determination and diligence, she outperformed even the most talented girl in the class. And her rise to fame followed suit. But that was when the tragedy struck. She was crossing the road when a drunk driver knocked into her. She lost both the use of her legs, and her future in ballet in the accident. Eventually, she had to let go of her tutu. But what the accident didn't took away from her was her perseverance and diligence, with which she wisely utilised to score success in a new field. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

So, that's the story. The world doesn't always revolve around us, sometimes, we have to revolve around the world. It is not wrong to pursue your dream, to do something you like. And it is perfectly normal for you to face and overcome failures on your journey of transforming your dream into a reality. But, bear in mind that sometimes, things just don't go as you have planned. That, is when you should stop looking straight, and start looking for other paths. You may want to call this attitude 'a lack of perseverance', but I will insist on calling it 'embracing the reality'.

I want to believe that each of us as human isn't just talented in one aspect or one field. There are always other lanes available. Of course, it is very painful to let go of one's dream. After all, no one likes to lose what he treasures. However, if one has to make a choice between living on and realising an impossible dream, wouldn't the former option be the wiser pick?

We live, because we dream; we dream, because we live. When a dream is already impossible to be achieved, then think of another dream. Don't just do what you love, but love what you do, and when there's enough love, you will see another dream forming in your mind. With a new dream developed, you persevere, and try to overcome all the challenges standing in your way, and then you succeed.

Upon succeeding, you will realise that, sometimes, you have to say tata to your old tutu, just like Claire...

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