Mar 28, 2013


I was chatting with one of my friends yesterday when she decided to throw some riddles at me. Good thing I was able to answer them (which proves that the thinking I do everyday during this long holiday helps to sharpen my mind a little bit, hey, I am not trying to blow my own trumpet! Go ahead and ask all those SPM graduates, they are going to tell you the same thing). So today, I want to share her riddles with you (let me just tell you this before you try them: Some of them are puns).

Are you ready to put on your thinking cap? Then 3, 2, 1, good luck!
  1. What can't you have for breakfast?
  2. A father and his son had an accident on the road. The father died on the spot while the son was severely injured. The son was sent to the hospital and upon his arrival, the doctor said, "Owh, that's my son!" So who was that doctor?
  3. What do cows like doing during the weekends?
  4. What car does Mickey Mouse's wife drive?
  5. Which brand of computer sings?
Try to think of the answers before you scroll down...
  1. Burger, hot-dog and chips. No, that's not the answer. I am merely expressing my desire to take them later. The answer is... *drums rolling*... Lunch, dinner and supper. OK, I can imagine you making this face - (-_-).
  2. It's funny how only 'man' is always linked to the term 'doctor'. Well, the doctor was actually his mother. If you go as far as to claim that the doctor was the 'ghost' of the father, then you need to go see your psychiatrist.  
  3. Cows spend their weekends watching 'moo'vies. Hey, put your fist down! Stay calm...
  4. So the hint is Mickey's wife. What's her name? Minnie, yes. So she drives 'MINI Cooper'. Alright, this is not funny.
  5. This computer sings 'Best for Last', 'Crazy for You' and 'Daydreamer'. Yes, it's Dell (short for Adele)!
To cap it all, one last riddle for you, guess a word: 'A plant amidst a group of friends; the middle of middle, and the end of end; the sound you make when you're at a dead end'...

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