Apr 30, 2013


Hmm, the poem in my previous post were quite well-received. So, I've decided to come up with a second poem to illustrate my school life (in the past, now I am still enjoying my holiday). Hope my poems can help kick away your suffocating boredom!

The cradle of scholars,
The moniker it shoulders,
All wisdom, it nurtures,
All virtue, it mothers.

School, they call it,
Inferno, I take it,
Spewing tasks, its pursuit,
Nightmare, now, my habit.

Deep in slumber, Uncle Sun,
Already chiming, pesky clock,
Busy dressing, there I go,
Bread and butter, down the throat.

Inch by inch, the traffic crawls,
Every driver starts to growl,
School is in sight, now I scowl,
Reached the classroom, there I yowl.

Chums are right here by my side,
Latest gossips at a tide,
Soon the bell rings when it's time,
Now the teachers start to rhyme.

End of lesson, homework dawns,
Deep in my skull, headache sown,
Joy and fun are all but mown,
Now my mood is bombed and blown.

'Ta-da' a call I most condemn,
It's another surprise test,
Oh, I'm shocked! Oh, I'm shocked!
Red and chastises come my way!

Teachers are mad,
Parents are sad,
Now, I plead:
One more shot!

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