Mar 8, 2013

Shh!!! It's a secret...

Just to make it clear, for those of you who watched Happy Together (KBS), this post has nothing to do with the dish of the same name. In this post, I would like to talk about secrets (no, not mine, I mean I'm gonna talk about secrets in general). We like to hide secrets. Some are negative ones, meanwhile some are sweet ones (for instance, if you have a crush on someone).

Owh, by now, you would have recalled some of your secrets, whether they are dark, sweet, small, big or spicy and no wings... Oops, sorry, scratch that last three words (guess I just let slip one of my secrets). So, let's take a look at the wonders of secrets.

How do certain events turn into our secrets? They become secrets when we don't want other people to know that certain events have taken place. Secrets are most of the time created when you least expected them. For instance, I get to have a new secret to secure when my waist size suddenly increases due to overeating (no, I don't have a secret in that genre for the time being).

Things like how much money you've kept in your closet, your waist size (if you are like me) and your age (ladies) are most of the time, your biggest secrets. What will you feel when you know that people are about to discover your biggest secrets? Nervous? That's right. Like me, I get super nervous when people try to peek at the reading of the balance I am standing on. Instinctively, I get my feet off the balance when I feel that people are approaching me. That's adrenaline doing it's job.

Where do you keep your secrets? In your diary? Or just in your mind? As the saying goes (now I sound like I'm writing an essay for a school assignment), 'out of sight, out of mind'. Sometimes, if we just keep secrets in our mind, we may accidentally forget them. Of course, it's good to forget about them if they are painful secrets. But if you are someone who hides money here and there around your house, you better write them down. Or else, you are going to lose your cash!

Some people can easily share their secrets with other people (family, friends, etc.). But the receiving end will have to bear an extra burden. They listen to a secret which does not concern them, and guess what? Their lips are going to itch as though they have been bitten by a thousand mites. Poke their mouths a few times and all the secrets they have heard from other people will flow out.

Yes, yes, having secrets sometimes spices up our life. But if we keep dark ones, they are going to haunt our mind and suck the soul out of us. All of us have secrets. If you ask me, I have several big ones, but they are still safe, for now... Shh!!!

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