Feb 25, 2013

all EARS on deck

"As long as we are willing to keep quiet now and then, storytelling will go on..." 
- Henning Mankell

Very often, when we sit together with a group of friends (during a party, reunion, etc.), we will notice that everyone is so eager to tell his or her own story. Other people pretend to listen and when the story ends, another friend snatches the chance to tell his own story. So we can easily come down to the conclusion that people are just self-centered and they don't really care about what is happening to others. They just want to tell their own stories, get a standing ovation from their audience and walk away.

Having friends who are willing to listen is a big blessing one can get. Now, you might want to argue that my previous post stated that if we face any problem, we should write them down instead of pouring them into other people's ears because they also have their own troubles to be worried about. Come on! I didn't say anything about telling people problems you are facing! Your stories can include funny things that you have witnessed, great stories that you have read or even riddles that you have had a hard time guessing. In other words, telling stories can help to spread joy!

However, the greatest blessing goes to the receiving end. Why? Because the listeners get to receive seasonings to spice up their lives. They get to listen to great tales, understand your feelings (and preferences), gain knowledge and experience, and spend quality time with you. With all these advantages, why don't you want to be a part of them (listeners)?

It's definitely as simple as E, A, R... When your friend is telling his story, open your ears, listen to every word he says carefully, understand what his feeling is according to his tone, and ask him questions to guide him. And before you even realise it, you have been through (and return from) a wonderful journey alongside your friend!

So, why don't you save up your saliva for food digestion and get ready for great fairy tales? ◼

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