Jun 4, 2013


Buried by dust a thousand years,
There lies a stone precious and dear,
Unearthed by men all in a tier,
Shiny as if a drop of tear.

Diamond, the appellation it rears,
The spectrum it renders, too queer,
All men are dying for once wear,
A gem destined to last forever.

No one knows the saga it couriers,
Men are too blinded to care,
But it knows the journey it endured,
And be a stone all endears.

There goes a tale for all to hear,
Pressure, a gift so much to bear,
A man to his goal, it always steers,
Weakness, indolence, it all clears.

PRESSURE. It may sound scary to some (especially those standing in the way of a tsunami of examinations). But without it, nothing will shine. Pressure is the reason people push themselves for the better. It sometimes serves as a (very, very, very) strong steroid, keeping people wide awake into the wee hours of the day. Proper management of pressure (stay bright is always the first step) is necessary, of course, to avoid ugly consequences. However, pressure itself carries a positive energy. It kicks men towards their goals, and squeeze overflowing happiness into the hands of everyone who believes in it. It shapes minerals into diamonds. Despite all the pros of pleasure, some people foolishly resort to another path -- pleasure.

The Sun shines ever so brightly,
The breeze blows ever so free,
The trees dance ever so comely,
All performing in perfect unison.

Their spectator, a stone,
Sitting in the shade of the trees,
So rough its edges,
So lazy its spirit.

Tripping passers-by, its heavenly duty,
Contaminating the scene, it always plies,
And so its reward, hard kicks,
Occasionally, wry smiles.

Bathed in pleasure, it is,
Soaked in indolence, its hobby,
At the end of the day,
No sowing, no reaping.

As quite obviously illustrated in the poem, too much pleasure hinders people from their goals. All the petty relaxations, indulgences and enjoyments can easily congregate to form a mountain so high for one to scale. Why take the chance? Just for a moment of pleasure, are you really willing to gamble away your success which you could have easily reached? PLEASURE is a nemesis in disguise (perfect disguise, with myriad temptations covering its loopholes). 

Of pressure and pleasure, the tale goes on...

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