Dec 29, 2012

Dine, Converse

I had a great time dining with some of my friends and teachers. With them, the taste of the food didn't really matter. What mattered most was what we had to share with each other. The dinner started with me arriving earlier than the planned 7 p.m.. Not long after that my Chemistry teacher arrived with some presents in her hands (Korean dried seaweed with various flavours, one of it was wasabi).

When everyone arrived (one special guest wasn't here, I thought she could not make it due to the rain), we started to order our food and the next moment, we were digging in. We talked about what we did during the holiday and our future plans. Our Chem Master took her chance to take pictures of us, asking for our phone numbers and sharing her experience in her recent trip to Korea.

Several guys doing some catching up.

Pose, girls!!!

Just then, our 'special guest' arrived. She was my English teacher when I was still in Form 1 and Form 2. She had transferred to Sibu, her hometown ever since she got married. She joined us with her baby boy (so cute).

The 'Guest' and me.

Chem Master and 'Guest'. Teachers, you are blocking the entrance... Haha :)

We are happy family!

We enjoyed chatting and catching up with each other. It really killed our boredom that we had accumulated since the holiday began.

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