Dec 22, 2012

Digital Life

Remember WALL:E? The people in that gigantic ship sit on what look like floating chairs with virtual screens occupying their sights 24/7. They don't walk, they don't exercise. The robots serve them in every way they could. I think despite we don't have to head out to space, our lifestyle is slowly becoming like these people's. That story doesn't seem like a fiction to me in any way, it looks like a very accurate prediction of the future.

I reserve no right for this picture ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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A few days ago, I helped connect my dad's PC to the printer wirelessly, meaning he can now print over the air, without walking from his office to our study to print documents. Once I finished, a chill rushed down my spine. So that is really happening, I thought. I am now blogging from my Mac, just like those passengers having their virtual screens stuck to their faces day and night, another sign!

In the past, we used to do our shopping in the mall, a real, solid mall with real, solid products that we can touch. Now? Just turn on the computer, punch in or any other online stores, we can see different products before our eyes. Magical? NO! I think it is more of a curse which is trying to make me fat (well, I mean fatter). In some countries, even vegetables and seafood can be ordered on line and delivered to the door, so customers don't even need to step out of the house (which means less exercise).

Fast food and really unhealthy snacks are very easy to access, too. Go to any petrol station or grocery, these snacks are used to decorate the counter, and you are free to take one to satisfy your palette (and your tummy). Really terrifying.

If you have an iPhone or any other iOS devices (latest ones, that is) you can use a pretty interesting service, Siri. Siri claims herself (if you ask her) to be a humble personal assistant of. So, now, everything is just a question away. Nah! Less and less exercise. Oh, but we couldn't live without them. Really, this is an undeniable inconvenient truth that will slowly and quietly merge into our lives, until one day, we will realise that these machines are our master, not the other way round! Let's hope that doesn't happen.

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